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We're History for East Lothian Schools this Winter: Telling the Tale of 1745

St Gabriel's P6 gives thumbs up to Battle Trust's School Visits Programme

We knew they'd be a discerning audience so their feedback was always going to be very important; and their teachers' approval too! And so we were delighted our first visit met with delight all round.

The Battle Trust's School Visit Programme as outlined below will now roll out across the county - and further afield as may be wished.

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The Trust was delighted to gain grants from both the Scottish Arts Council for Story Teller Greg Dawson-Allen, and from Awards for All, which are part funding this series of school visits throughout the Winter and Spring.
Contributions from groups and the Trust's own donors and volunteers are also vitally important to its success.

The visits have been designed by Martine Robertson and Kristine Cunningham but the stars are the Trust's Story Teller himself; local re-enacting Panner Adam Watters in suitable costume and with appropriate weaponry; and finally the Trust's own BattleGame designer, twice European BattleGaming Champion, Gordon Veitch.

Any and all school or youth groups who have not yet been in touch with the Battle Trust and would like a visit please get in touch directly with Kristine Cunningham @ to see what might be arranged.

The School Visit Programme is LINKED DIRECTLY HERE

Published Date: November 17th 2009

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