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Witch Remembrance 2009 in Prestonpans - The Cauldron

Roy Pugh's Witch play once again remembers all those who died in Prestonpans as 'Witches'

This is the fifth year since the Barons' Courts Pardonned the 81 Witches who were cruelly put to death in Prestonpans in the 17th and 18th centuries. This year Andrew Dallmeyer will be directing the second play in Roy Pugh's especially written trilogy, The Cauldron.

click to enlarge press cutting & poster

Performances by the Prestoungrange Players will be given on Friday and Saturday October 30th and 31st at The Gothenburg, tickets £5 each.

There is also a Matinee on Sunday, November 1st, tickets £5 again, when the Annual Remembrance and Dedication in The Goth's south garden will once again take place as herbs are laid beneath the panel on which all 81 names are listed.

This year's poster has been designed by 15 year old Maia Aitken, on Work Experience with the Prestoungrange Arts Festival - from Preston Lodge School.


... either at The Goth itself [closed on Mondays], the Belfield Pottery Workshops or at the door just prior to performances.

The Bistro at the Gothenburg of course also welcomes reservations for Theatre Suppers and Sunday Luncheon - call 01875 819922.

P.S. Watch out for Tim Porteous, our Witch Story Teller

Tim Porteous will also be out and about over Hallowe'en with stories to tell of the 81 Witches put to death here in the Pans so long ago. In particular he'll be holding a ‘Family Witches Storytelling Event’ at the Gothenburg at 2.30pm on 31st October.

Published Date: October 8th 2009

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