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Hamish Moore's Music at The Gothenburg

Barga Link Creates Pans Link with Hamish Moore and a Plenitude of Fine Musicians

Life's full of surprises is it not? When the PL Catchment Area twinned with Barga in Tuscany in 2006, and then The Goth welcomed The Mayor and more than a few visitors; and The Arts Festival gathered a group of artists to go visit Barga under their own steam in Spring 2008 ..... there was no expectation they would find a Musician in Residence there of Scottish and international significance called Hamish Moore. Yet they did.

Nor did anyone expect to see a much larger group of artists, Sangstreamers, make their way to Barga in September this year to share in Hamish Moore's Farewell Barga Concert which packed the Teatro del Differenti. But they did.

Nor did anyone expect Hamish Moore to take up residence just opposite the Gothenburg in the Arts Festival's Belfield Workshops when he returned to Scotland making small pipes.

But when all that had happened by chance, and Hamish had arrived in The Pans, it was not surprising perhaps that he wanted to make music in the James Fewell Bar with fellow artists ...and what that means, and the undoubted accomplishments of all involved, was premiered on November 1st to universal delight.

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So What Happened then ... and What Next?

The first Hamish Moore Acoustic Session saw a host of musicians with small pipes, fiddle, guitar and penny whistle. there were singers from the Sangstream community choir and from music group Tanterie, even a poet or two. The youngest performer was 8 years old and the eldest confidently expects a 'telegram' from HM 'ere long! There was Hamish of course, Mairi Campbell and Dave Francis, ex Boy of The Loch Paul Newman, poet Colin Will and locals George Pitbladdo and Sandra Watters and artist Tom Ewing. And let's not forget Willie's diggeridoo!

THE NEXT ACOUSTIC SESSION? ... every month actually on a Saturday from 4 pm ... Just come along and join in ... sing, make music, read poetry .... or just be there and listen and laugh and applaud .... Check with the Goth to find the next precise date ... 01875 819922

.... and The Goth's just been voted best PubGrub in East Lothian [again of course] and that's there for the asking as well with some grand real ales .... and the rest.

Published Date: November 12th 2008

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