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Conserving and Interpreting the WaggonWay from Tranent to Cockenzie

Waggonway Un-marked and Un-interpreted

It was arguably Britain's first railway, the gravity wooden track that carried coal from Tranent to Cockenzie harbour from the beginning of the 18th century. There have been a number of attempts to restore the missing route at the north end as the Waggonway approaches Cockenzie but thus far without success.

Now Scottish Power and Scottish Coal are working with East Lothian Council on the initiative of the Arts Festival and the Battle of Prestonpans Heritage Trust to ensure proper interpretation boards are provided, a small section of the waggonway restored and a replica waggon built. It would also link directly to the John Muir Way along the coastline of the Forth. In 1745 the Prince's Highland army charged across the Waggonway to attack the redcoats and pursue them to the walls of Preston House.

The initial Draft Outline scheme is attached HERE. All comments most welcome to the Arts Festival and Battle Trustees at The Prestoungrange Gothenburg.

Published Date: September 28th 2008

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