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So the Romans were in The Pans ... the True Meaning of Coeval ..

Always wondered ..

The Arts Festival has always made history its forte, so perhaps it's no surprise to find the much publicised campaign to save the Auld Fowler's HQ is being conducted from sound latin roots ... What could be more coeval than the Coeval building, than Auld Fowler's HQ? It is itself coeval.

From the Dictionary

coeval \koh-EE-vuhl

Of the same age; originating or existing during the same period of time; co-timeous - usually followed by 'with'.
One of the same age; a contemporary.

According to John Paul, the longing for transcendent truth is coeval with human existence: All men and women "shape a comprehensive vision and an answer to the question of life's meaning." 'Culture, et cetera', Washington Times, October 6, 2000

"Coeval with human speech and found among all peoples, poetry appeals to our sense of wonder, to our unending quest for answers to the timeless questions of who we are and why we are".
Mark Mathabane, 'A Poet Can Lead Us Toward Change', Newsday, January 20, 1993

"Unhappily, however, the writers speak almost wholly to those who already regard Lewis as not just the coeval but the equal of T. S. Eliot, Joyce and Pound".
Julian Symons, 'Prophecy and Dishonour', New York Times, February 10, 1985

"The 1,500 years of [Barcelona's] existence had produced only five names that came easily to mind: the cellist Pau Casals, the artist Joan Miró and his somewhat tarnished coeval Salvador Dali, both of whom were still very much alive, and the dead architect Antoni Gaudí".
Nicholas Shrady, 'Glorious in Its Very Stones', New York Times, March 15, 1992

Coeval comes from Medieval Latin coaevus, from Latin co + aevum, 'a period of time, lifetime'


from: Word of the Day Archive
Monday July 15, 2002

Published Date: June 22nd 2008

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