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Consulting for Historic Scotland across the Pans

June 24th @ 6pm in the Gothenburg

The Trustees of the Battle of Prestonpans have now formally issued an invitation to one and all in the community to join in their debate on the "proper protection of Scotland's historic battlefields".

Historic Scotland recently published a Consultation Paper with its own suggestions for Ministers, and has invited all interested parties to come forward with their comments before mid-July. The full text is to be found HERE.

The Trustees have already held their first meeting on the matter examining the likely responses they will make, but very much want all other interested parties to contribute too. Prestonpans Community Council has agreed to encourage attendance and its officers are expected to attend as well.

Representatives from Dunbar and Pinkie Conservationists are being invited, as is Shirley Ann Watson, a social anthropologist currently exploring at Glasgow University what communities with battlefields on their doorstep feel about it all!

All should feel most welcome and after a healthy debate a buffet supper will also be served as recompense.

click to enlarge cutting

Published Date: June 9th 2008

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