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When is a Library No Longer a Library?

After a respray and new decals!

Many are familiar with the East Lothian Mobile Library Service and will fondly await its regular visits. Last year one of its older 'P Reg' vehicles was taken out of service and sold to a dealer in Midlothian where it was later spotted by Executive Trustee Kristine Cunningham. And perhaps not surprisingly it quickly found its way into the hands of Bonnie Prince Charlie's Supporters in The Pans as their mobile 'Showman's Trailer'. It will be out and around East Lothian until 2011 when the Trust plans to open its major 'Wow Factor' Visitor Centre at Meadowmill.

click on all images below to enlarge

The vehicle as can be clearly seen is metamorphosed as a mobile Visitors' Centre that follows on from the role of the Portakabin at Meadowmill in 2007 with the Trust's theme - Victory Hope & Ambition.

As was observed at the time, the Portakabin served its purpose well but a mobile facility could take the Campaign in hand much further abroad across Scotland. All we now need are volunteer drivers for Light Commercial Vehicles [Class C1 on their Driver's Licence and no offences] and all the nation will see and believe the Campaign's objectives. All who can help should please contact Gillian Hart or Kristine Cunningham on 01875 819922 asap. All necessary induction is provided and of course insurance is arranged.

Please also be in touch if you have an event or happening where you feel the presence of the Visitor Centre can be helpful even fun.

The traditions of the Mobile Library live on by the way with the many books/ booklets arising from the Battle Trust and Prestoungrange Arts Festival displayed within and on sale there. A short audiovisual presentation will also be screened and website access where wireless reception permits allows for Supporter Registrations.

The artwork in the new decals shown above and below is from Andrew Crummy who was of course the mastermind behind the Mural-in-a-Day completed in 2006 of the Battle - illustrated at the foot of this and all other NewsNet Battle Trust reports.

Someone had to see the BattleBus safely to The Pans so that Kris Cunningham and Battlefield archaeologist Dr Tony Pollard could pose above by the open door. That role fell to The Baron and Lady Prestoungrange seen crossing the Border below; and en route Mathew Prestoungrange Younger and Lorna, The Maid of Prestoungrange, both played their part.

Published Date: April 4th 2008

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