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Burns-athon to Celebrate the Goth's Centenary - January 22nd

Burns Event to Remember!

The Goth, as most will be aware, began celebrating its Centenary on New Year's Eve and events and parties will continue throughout 2008. It was one hundred years ago that Thomas Nelson gave £2500 to build the place we are all so proud of today and saw the job completed in 6 months.

For Burns Celebrations this year one of the spectacular events will be the Goth's Burns-athon ... 100 poems and songs recited and sung across the Pans and with the final stages in The Goth from 6 pm onwards - and remember its Goth Night anyway with the Members' draw to be held.

4d and 2d Reminders of 1908 on sale

Goth Porter and Cheese Rolls [as adevertised in 1908 at 4d and 2d - not p note] will be available all day at The Goth. Bring your old coins or swop for today's money on the spot. But be also assured that Andrew Laurie's excellent Goth cuisine will also be on offer too!

Recite/ Sing/ Listen .. all Welcome!

Whether you intend to volunteer to participate with recitation or song at any time during the day - for that please phone John Lindsay after 6 pm on 01875 615281 or email @ or just to listen and enjoy, all the details are given below.

click on images to enlarge and print out

Published Date: January 9th 2008

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