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We're Here Because We Love It!

What We 'The Members' Said!

The Global Association issued its first major survey questionnaire to those attending in Ely Nevada at the 2004 Global Conference. Replies have been collated and rather than giving tables a fascinating essay has been prepared for Members' delight.

Its message is simple. We joined our local Murals Societies because we wanted to do something to help our town get up and run a bit smarter, and because it sounded like a fascinating project. Most of us went to Chemainus to look see what had been accomplished there and came back convinced: if they could do it so could we! And we have stayed with it ever since because we got the results and it was a fascinating experience!

Download the full essay here

.... as an incentive to ensure a great response rate to the lengthy questionnaire a draw at end October 2004 from completed questionnaires was established with a first prize Bursary of $US 1500 towards travel to the 2006 Global Conference at Prestoungrange, Scotland. And there were three further Fees Bursaries and ten separate Edinburgh Military Tattoo Bursaries to be awarded from the draw as well. The lucky winners, all of whom are mandated to help with the 2006 Global Conference and contribute Tales from their Towns [no such thing as a free lunch] were:

Bursary of $US 1,500:

Bill Drennen of Lindsay, California

3 x Fees Bursaries of $US 250

Lorraine Clark of Ely, Nevada
Karen Kimbrel, Colquitt, Georgia
Maxine Miller of Moosejaw, Saskatchewan

10 x Edinburgh Tattoo Bursaries of $US 50

Margaret Bath of Ely, Nevada
Lee Bowerman of Grand Junction, Colorado
John Dyer of Sheffield, Tasmania
Karin Eaton of Scarborough, Ontario
Wendy Johnson of Vernon, British Columbia
Eva Kinsman of 29 Palms, California
Michelle Loughery of Vernon, British Columbia
Rita McGraw of Vale, Oregon
Art Mortimer of Los Angeles, California
Babel Williams of Bishop, California

Congratulations to them all. Bill has been invited to Prestoungrange for the entire week sharing the Californian way of life with Scottish friends. [You'll recognise him as the tall bloke wearing a kilt at the airport perhaps?]

Published Date: October 31st 2004

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