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Test Just How Much You Know about our Battle .. and be prized!

Simple really ...

Test you knowledge in the Battle Quiz at the Trust's brilliantly updated website and apart from satisfaction at a high score there are prizes, yes prizes, to be won.

Need we say more? Log on HERE

If you are not already a supporting member of the battle land mark regeneration, please make sure to select the submission option I am registering my support and playing for the first time. Then complete the required forms fields.

If you are already a supporting member and are playing the online quiz for the first time, please make sure to select the submission option I have already registered my support and would like to play. Then complete the required forms fields.

If you have already played the quiz and would like to try your knowledge again, please make sure to select the submission option I have already played and would like to play again. Then complete the required forms fields.

If you require help registering for the quiz please contact

But please also cruise the rest of the site

Richard White and Rob Jarvis of Design and Online Ltd who created the original and this Mk II version of our website have introduced a number of very useful new features.

There's the Battle sequence map; the archive of photographs from the 250th, the 262nd and the Battle of Pots and Pans; newspaper reports from the 100th, 150th, 200th and 250th Anniversaries; our new theatre and poetry is there and The Laverocks are there too singing out loud as the start of their musical archive; the opportunity for PayPal donations for the campaign each time you have a wee bit of specie to spare.

...and Not Least ... recruiting for the Alan Breck Prestonpans Volunteers

The opportunity to sign up and receive the King's/ Queen's shilling for your services will also soon be presented at the website. Initial details are here already of course.

But now, to that Quiz please ....

Published Date: February 10th 2008

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