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East Lothian Council FIRMLY in Support of Campaign to List Fowler's Old HQ

Setting the Record Straight....

The Arts Festival is delighted to report that contrary to some 'opinions' held around the town, East Lothian Council has made repeated efforts to have the Fowler's Old HQ Listed, most recently on the initiative of former Provost Pat O'Brien. So Historic Scotland is aware that it has unanimity here in town as the campaign moves towards Listing Day, August 16th at 10 am.

The historical record reads as follows:

Listing first proposed by East Lothian Council: revised Prestonpans Parish Listings 1997 - No action

Lidl advised of local feeling towards the building by East Lothian Council April 2004 when revised supermarket proposals presented

Application by East Lothian Council to Historic Scotland September 2006 on Provost Pat O'Brien's initiative - No action

Royal Commission on Ancient and and Historic Monuments in Scotland's photographic record March 2007 on initiative of East Lothian Council - after delays in gaining access to the building

New Application to Historic Scotland by East Lothian Council April 2007 - Answer pending.

New Application to Historic Scotland by Prestoungrange Arts Festival July 2007 directly to the Chief Inspector - Answer pending after visit August 10th @ 10 am.

PaintIn PROTEST at the building by Arts Festival - described by Lidl as "misguided" on July 24th which was attended in support by East Lothian Council Cabinet Member and local SNP Councillor Peter MacKenzie; and simultaneously a visit to the Festival's Arts Directorate was made by Historic Scotland to hear its case.

Prestoungrange and Three Harbours Festivals announce plans to seek a 'Community Right to Buy' under Land Reform Act 2003 - August 6th

WATCH THIS SPACE >>>>>>> AUGUST 16th @ 10 AM >>>>>>>>

Published Date: August 7th 2007

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