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Light IPA and 80/- to 'Save our Hearts'

Iain Turnbull, Head Brewer for our home-based Fowler's Ales, had a former life working with the late David Murray. [Together they were the original inspiration for our own microbrewery.] They made real ales at Fisherrow in Musselburgh until 2003, and because of David's avid support for York City they happened to brew a very acceptable ale for that football club when it was under threat, called Minster Men Are Us.

History repeats itself this month with Iain's creation of both a light bottled IPA and a cask 80/- ale known as Save Our Hearts. The cause it supports is to keep Hearts at its historic home at Tynecastle not move on to Murrayfield.

Click on Hearts' label to enlarge

Rumour has it that in the stillness of the night, Fowler's microbrewery at The Prestoungrange Gothenburg is the secret source of these excellent beverages but, until May 8th when the Brewer's Broom is to be officially hoisted, spokes-men and women are reportedly struck dumb - at least on this topic. But even if the rumour is eventually found to be true, it sounds like a very good cause and in any event the microbrewery has to be perfecting what it will soon be making for Pannners.

Only half the tale can be told below by the press - click on newspaper cutting to enlarge

Tail piece for BBC2's 40th Anniversary Celebrations

And just in case any should doubt Iain's catholic spirit, he's at work helping the BBC2 to drown any sorrows it has left [after a torrid start to the year] as it celebrates its 40th Anniversary.

Click on BBC2 label to enlarge

Well done Iain. He's only been back from Nigeria for a month and he's already cracking along in top gear.

Published Date: April 17th 2004

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