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Pause for Thought .....

A convenient untruth: how Green tyranny turns up the heat

Gerald Warner has been hearing messages from Prestonpans! Scotland-on-Sunday triggered a 1 hour online debate arising from his article on June 10th ...... picking up [amongst several other stories] on our own local balloon race incident. Warner wrote:

"In classic totalitarian style, indoctrination of children is a [Green] priority. March [2007], pupils at Prestonpans Infant and Nursery School, East Lothian, earned plaudits by objecting to a fund-raising balloon race, on the grounds that balloons might harm dolphins and turtles. They insisted a ban on balloon races be written into the school's 'green constitution'. A promising beginning: with further education, these Young Pioneers may eventually be trained to denounce their parents for eco-crimes."

The pros and cons of the politicisation of Infant School children did not figure in the debates however, which focussed on the presentation of 'alarmist' global warming issues!

Published Date: June 11th 2007

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