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Battle Visitor Centre Volunteers Sought - May to September

Portakabin Arrives at Meadowmill for the Battle Trust

The Trustees of the Battle of Prestonpans 1745 are presenting a six month 'trial' exhibition centre for visitors at Meadowmill at the foot of the well known Battle Bing. The interpretaion boards at the top are being restored by East Lothian Council, extra litter / dog fouling bins installed and additional directional signage created by the RAC.

Kristine Cunningham, the Executive Trustee in charge of the Portakabin Exhibition throughout the summer months, looks happy as it arrives safely, donated for the period by fellow Trustee Malcolm Scott [Sincere thanks Malcolm!]

click on images and cuttings to enlarge

And Bonnie Prince Charlie's Battle Flag will fly atop the Bing when the centre is open - this is planned mainly for weekends and high days/ holidays. East Lothian News reported the Portakabin's arrival on May 23rd and its interior furnishing has now commenced. The Official Opening Day will be announced shortly.

Volunteers aplenty are called for please ...

If you can spare half a day once in a while to staff the Portakabin, please be in touch with Kris Cunningham or Gillian Hart on 01875 819922 ... or call in at The Goth to volunteer. Or email here to

Published Date: May 26th 2007

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