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The Third Statistical Account of Scotland - East Lothian


modes of transport, it may be considered to be one of the causes which brought to an end the existence of the town and parish as a self-contained community.

Manufacturing, etc.- The brewery of Messrs John Fowler & Company Ltd. employs 150 people in the various capacities of brewers, engineers, coopers, maltmen, box makers, cellar- men, and lorry drivers, with girls in the bottling departments and in general administration, an adequate administrative staff, and a number of commercial travellers. Almost all of these live in Prestonpans.

The raw materials of the industry are barley, brought from the Lothians by road, and coal from local collieries, also carried by road. The products are ale and beer which are sent in cask and bottle by the company's own lorries to licensed premises throughout Scotland. Almost all the employees are skilled workers who work a 44-hour week spread over six days. The brewery is equipped with modern machinery and the buildings themselves very adequately fulfil all requirements.

The brewery was established in 1720 and came into the possession of the Fowler family in 1756. In the iQth century " Laird Fowler " himself superintended the operations of his brewery, which was well known for the fine quality of the ale it produced. That reputation has been preserved and Prestonpans ale is known throughout Scotland.

Breweries were common in many towns of Scotland, but that of Prestonpans was favourably situated for survival, when many others went out of existence. It had no doubt been established here because barley was easily obtained from the rich agricultural district and Prestonpans had an adequate supply of very suitable brewing water from a well. These factors, together with the proximity of coal mines and the business acumen of its owners and managers, have ensured its continued prosperity.

After the mines and the brewery, the concern which employs the largest number of workers is the Prestonpans Co-operative Society. In 1948 the number was 109, and was the greatest ever. The variety of occupations of these workers is shown by the following list :-Grocers-34, Butchers -11, Drapers-4, Bakers-12, Boot and Shoe Department-4,

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