and 110 girls belong to the parish, 31 of the boys and
29 of the girls being over school-leaving age. The remainder
of the pupils are recruited from towns and villages in the
western area of the county. The school is a multi-lateral
one, providing courses in general academic subjects, commerce,
domestic science, and technical subjects. Of the 32 teachers
in the school 17 are honours graduates, 6 are ordinary graduates
and 9 are specialist teachers.
Roman Catholic children from the parish are conveyed by
bus to St Martin's School, Tranent. The fee-paying schools
of Edinburgh attract a small number of pupils from the parish
who are under school leaving age (5 boys and 8 girls). Fewer
than 6 pupils over 15 years of age attend Edinburgh schools.
Exact figures of students from the parish in attendance
at the University are not available, but there are at least
the following :- Arts-2 women, Medicine-2 women and 4 men,
Science-1 man, and Divinity-3 men. At Moray House Provincial
Training College 3 girls are training to be teachers. Large
numbers attend the Continuation Class Centre at Preston
Lodge School, where general, co-operative union, technical,
domestic science, art and crafts, mining, and recreational
classes are provided. Owing to the develop- ment of recreational
classes and youth organisation work sponsored and aided
by the Education Committee, it is difficult to state the
number of individual pupils from the parish who attend,
as with youth's natural avidity for the new, many of the
students sip from one class and then, long ere the class
ends, taste the flavour of any new class which may start
at a later date. It is, however, very pleasing that many
earnest students complete courses in the more rigorous and
exacting work.
There are two resident doctors, one resident dentist, three
district nurses and one health visitor in the parish. Maternity
and Child Welfare and Orthopasdic Clinics are conducted
within the buildings of the Junior Secondary School. A Day
Nursery was established in the Mary Murray Institute during
the war, and it still continues, with over 50 young children
Way of Life and Voluntary Societies.- It still remains