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.. not an idea we'd heard before nor one we think best ….
…. having said which, the Trust is very much in favour of the plans to make spectacular use of the ample water available as developments proceed. We've already been delighted with Hargreaves at Blindwells who are creating a Prince's Loch to help interpretation of the Riggonhead Defile which the new community totally encompasses. It's a matter of thinking it through more carefully and the Trust is entering further discussions with East Lothian Council as to how that issue and several others can be best addressed. It's come to attention because the Council is seeking Scottish Government special status under NPF4 over the coming years and has just published an extensive environmental study [SEA]. The Vision document attached to SEA makes the Water Park suggestion on the eastern end as well as an unwanted development on the western end of the battlefield.
Frankly it's early days but the Trust with its clear Objects being to protect and Interpret the battlefield has things to say to Councillors and Officers alike - who've promised meetings when feasible! And of course we'll be submitting our own considered thoughts to the Consultation which closes in July. The sub-editor at East Lothian Courier, ever good friends of our's, has suggested we've "declared war" … more like a parley. War comes only ever as a last resort ….
If the battlefield was ever to suffer from such cacotechny and a Water Park is introduced the images of an easterly water shute enabling Highlanders to arrive as if by Riggonhead Defile at 5/6am as the sunrises …. whilst redcoats in the westerly pool conduct synchronised drills and fire blank rounds …. with iconic thorntrees around the area …. that all sounds as if it could be a good tourist attraction each year nevertheless.... but we confidently expect to take a melorist perspective with the Vision getting better all the while by human imagination and effort.
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