Passports Around the Pans! Whatever Next?
Passports to be introduced in Prestonpans
No need to be alarmed. No biometric details required. Not one more PC scheme coming from you U NO WHO. But from June the Prestoungrange Arts Festival is introducing a Passport scheme in the Pans in partnership with the Prestoungrange Gothenburg.
Any and all Panners and incoming visitors are invited to sign up for GothMembership and receive a beautifully produced Passport. Simply carry it around the town shopping for at least £2 each at 10 local enterprises and when all their stamps are neatly added to the Passport, The Prestoungrange Gothenburg will redeem it! Redemption implies a pattern of Benefits at The Goth!
The Passports will first be available in time for the Three Harbours Arts Festival commencing in Prestonpans. Cockenzie and Port Seton June 2nd; then for the Global Murals Conference commencing August 14th; and thirdly at any and all times after June 1st 2006 for Goth Members.
Click on images to enlarge
Its a scheme to encourage the thousands of visitors already incoming to The Prestoungrange Gothenburg, and every Panner as well, to shop across the whole town. Its a win-win scheme. Visitors to The Goth have risen sharply following its recent astonishing triple designations as CAMRA/ English Heritage Best UK Pub Conservation 2005, then by CAMRA alone first as Lothian Pub of the Year 2006 and most lately as Scotland's Lothians + Edinburgh + Borders Pub of the Year 2006.
Ten enterprises were asked to participate and most gratifyingly every single one agreed on the spot. Photographs of their premises on the High Street will appear in the Passports as below:

Published Date: April 11th 2006