Discovered: another Goth still prospers @ Fallin - by Stirling
The 4th Dimension – Fallin’s Gothenburg celebrates its Centenary
Until a chance contact by local Fallin historian [aka local school history teacher], Craig Mair, we’d all been blissfully ignorant that the Fallin Goth, known as the Fallin Public House Society, was still trading successfully on Main Street after nigh on a century. We knew of its original establishment from our own early historical research but not that it flourishes and that its 42 Members are the proud owners of the neighbouring Bowling Green, established just a year after the Fallin Goth was itself established, in 1911. Today’s members have John Bone as Licensee and Tom Hazell as the member who ‘knows it all’. Their Rules from 1910 are also still available and in use!
click to enlarge the photographs
Does this ‘discovery’ push our own Goth here in Prestonpans back to 4th place since we all know we ceased being a ‘proper’ Goth in 1956 and only resumed trading under Gothenburg Principles in 2004? And we also suffered the ignominy of actually closing for a period of some 5 years at the turn of the century. Ahead of us stand our most senior and oldest Goth in Armadale West Lothian, next comes the Dean Tavern at Newtongrange and then just two years behind our establishment in 1908 Fallin stands proud.
There is one way in which we can surely claim to be a good sibling to our elders and younger. We are the only one making a virtue of real ales and with our own Fowler’s microbrewery. Fallin’s John Bone confessed they could never sell it as he stood proudly at his bar, [pictured centre with fellow committee member and bar maid] drinking lager!
Craig Mair’s Centenary History of the Goth at Fallin will be published in November
A complimentary copy of Craig Mair's history has been promised and when that arrives details will be posted here. For the meanwhile, the images above give an insight to what Fallin has conserved and preserved for 100 years, helping myriad charities across that time.
And there was a challenge to local Pans’ bowlers we should see if we can get taken up – to travel to Fallin and see how well their 'Gothenburg' green plays.

Published Date: September 10th 2010