'Awards for All' includes Prestoungrange Totem
Gillian Hart secures support for the Totem Project
Gillian Hart is a Prestoungrange Arts Festival 'volunteer' who helps all manner of project teams to seek funding. And it is a pleasure to report that Awards for All, a consortium of the Heritage Lottery Fund, the Scottish Arts Council and the Big Lottery Fund, has just granted £4,000 towards the Prestoungrange Totem Pole Project.
The pole is being researched with the aid of local schools and carved with the help of First Nations experts from British Columbia. On a recent visit they created a small symbol of the Raven as harbinger of the main 40' pole to come in March 2006. The Raven stands in the Bistro at The Prestoungrange Gothenburg and has been greatly admired. The crosslet in its beak is taken from both Baronial Coats of Arms, Prestoungrange and Dolphinstoun.
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Published Date: October 31st 2005