Witches in the Clear after 400 Years
"Nothing less than a mini-holocaust"
Roy Pugh is East Lothian's leading authority on the hysteria surrounding alleged witchcraft which cost 81 people their lives in Prestonpans alone at the end of the 16th Century. And some 3500 across Scotland. He will preside at a formal Pardoning Ceremony at the Prestoungrange Gothenburg on Sunday October 31st when many descendants of those individuals will be present. The Pardons were officially declared by the Barons Courts of Prestoungrange & of Dolphinstoun at their Final Trinity Session Sitting on July 27th. See [EII.53.2004.P&D.02] for details
For Prestonpans in future, the Barons Courts are determined that remembrance of this outrageous period of injustice done in the name of Scots law shall be the proper context for the 'fun' that always goes on at Hallowe'en.
Roy Pugh, describes the events that took place 400 years ago as a "mini-holocaust". He praised the Barons Courts for their initiative in granting these Pardons on the eve of the abolition of their historic rights of jurisdiction across their ancient feudal lands.
Duncan Forgan of the Edinburgh Evening News spoke with Roy Pugh and the Baron of Prestoungrange on the issues and the forthcoming Ceremony as reported below, October 28th 2004. Click on cuttings to enlarge

Published Date: October 29th 2004