Jeanette Burriss Bursary for the Arts in Prestonpans
Jeanette Burriss' sister-in-law, octogenarian Madge Henderson, can be seen holding with pride the latest publication from Prestoungrange University Press. [Jeanette later became Cowan by marriage].
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The Historical Survey of Prestonpans was first written and illustrated in 1928 by Jeanette Burriss as the final project assignment for her Art Diploma programme. Unable to find a bursary for her studies locally she had gone to London to gain support but made her hometown the focus of her work nonetheless.
Publication in 2004 means that some 70 years later a bursary will now be available in the town at £2000 per annum funded by the proceeds of the sale of the 24pp booklet and the Arts Festival.
The panel to choose a successful applicant will be chaired by the Baron of Dolphinstoun and include Madge Henderson advised also by her own daughter Jeanette Marguerite. Applicants will be invited each year to address an Arts Festival theme over the following 12 months and produce a publishable project report, just as Jeanette Marguerite Burriss did in 1928.
Notice of the first year's Bursary appears late March 2004 in Brushstrokes # 8 and a full Briefing for applicants is available from the Prestoungrange Arts Festival office which specifies it is available for artists living in Prestonpans and its Vicinity.
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Published Date: January 22nd 2004