
Generations of Barons

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"chittering bite". This was supposed to stop our teeth chattering with cold after leaving the water. We also had the occasional trips to Morrison's Haven harbour when the coal boats were in. On one occasion I was lucky enough to persuade a Dutch captain to let me on board to see over his boat. From the harbour we could watch the sailing regattas held off the beach at Prestongrange. I can still remember the yacht Irene owned by a local miner, Mr Reid, and another called the Primrose, Across the road from the harbour was the "Grange Pit". Mr Brown, whose wife was a close friend of my mother, worked in what I believe was known as the pump house. When Mr Brown was working on the back-shift, his son Tom and I would go to the pit with his piece. We would go through the "woods" to the back of the pit where the pit bogies were left at the top of a slope. We rode the bogies down the slope until they slowed down on the level near the pump house. One final memory is of the "war" between the Coast Line Bus Company and Scottish Motor Traction. We had obviously heard our parents talking about an attempted takeover of the Coast route by the S.M.T. so we decided to lend our support to the Coast Line buses. A stone wall divided Summerlee from the road and for days the wall was covered with boys for hours on end cheering when a Coast Line bus came into view and booing the S.M.T. when they appeared. The Coast Line buses and corporation tramcars up to then had been the usual means of transport to Edinburgh, As it happened, the Coast Line gave up the route while the tramcars left the scene not many years after.

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