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Goth Staff 'Treasure' RBS 6 Nations Trophy!

Another Trophy for The Goth?

Since it reopened in 2004 The Prestoungrange Gothenburg has won more than a score of awards for Best Pub Grub in East Lothian, Best Pub Restoration in the whole UK from CAMRA and English Heritage, Best Community Pub in Edinburgh & The Lothians, **** Attraction from Visit Scotland, and top ratings for the Lavatories as well! So the RBS 6 Nations seemed worth aiming for ...

But of course, as we all know it was Preston Lodge RFC that welcomed the Trophy to their ClubHouse [which happens to be the Lord Mayor's Bar - upstairs at The Goth] last week.

But before the crowds, and they were crowds, arrived in the evening, Goth Staff thought a souvenir picture was appropriate, and here it is!

Published Date: March 5th 2012

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